Tuesday, August 17, 2010

into the dusk

a dreamy day of dreaming of you

Just like the butterfly, I too will awaken in my own time.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

" I cant change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination"

Saturday, August 14, 2010

love. hope. believe.

Took some photos of my friend in a maze. I love nature photography, where I can use natural light to my advantage. I am obsessed with this cold, blue filter at the moment. If you cant already tell hehe! I used three words that I try to use everyday. I believe if people stay positive, love with all their heart and hope for the best, everything will work out fine. 

I LOVE: family
              my mac
              pipi (my cat)

I HOPE: for a great creative job
              to travel the world
              to make the most of everyday

I BELIEVE: everything is possible

no body like you

I have been wanting to go traveling and seeing the world since I was born I think! It is something that is very important to me and when ever people say they don't really have the need to see the world...I just don't understand it! There is just so much more out there to see, to learn and to appreciate. The history, architecture, different cultures....ohhhh I just want to go now!

I have been coming to terms that Im most likely going overseas by myself, which is a bit daunting, but I think it will only make me stronger as a person. I have family in Russia, which I miss so much, and seeing them will be amazing! The plan atm is 2012...but it could happen sooner! Who knows! xx

Model: Jenna Ramondo

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

stand still

I just wanted to take time out to stop everything I was doing, and just take a moment to think and appreciate what I have in life. I feel like everyone is in a rush...wanting to get to places faster, see people, get to work. I just want people to stand still and look deeper into their dreams, their lives and the people that surround them. Sometimes I think the world is against me, and nothing ever goes the way I had planned, but If I just take the time to realise that I have so many people that love me and support me, it makes me feel a whole lot better....

Model : Jenna Ramondo

Thursday, July 01, 2010

a perfect mess

Hello bloggers! Took some photo's last year for uni. Love the cold blue's mixed in with pink notes.  Although the setting is so beautiful, you are left with an eery feel. I think I have watched too much Twilight honestly. Everyone is so cold skinned and pale. Okay, back to watching Twilight and sipping my tea!

Model: Madison Kerney

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

once upon a time

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

this side of the blue

This day was very overcast. A perfect setting for a perfect photo. 

island hopping

Going through my photos from my holiday, I am so hating this cold freezing winter! It was pretty much impossible to take a bad photo in this majestic place. 

Here are a few snaps from the Gili Islands. I hope this gives you a warm fuzzy feeling too!

Friday, June 25, 2010

beach shapes

I absolutely love the shapes these burned out, dead branches make. It is art, beautiful, natural art. It was over 38 degrees, I was on a 2 hour bike ride...or shall I say treck, through sand, mud and branches. But I was still able to stop, chuck my bike down, wipe the sweat off of my face, and take this snap! I just loved it!

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Come escape with me, to a land of sunrises and sunsets, where no body cares what you say or do, where everybody is your friend, Bali.....ahhhh how I miss you! These photographs were taken with my Iphone, yes my Iphone, because my lovely Olympus camera was stolen at the Bounty night club, I was very sad indeed. So my Iphone had to do for the next week :(

This may have been the prettiest sunset I have even experienced in my life. How gorgeous are the pink colours mixed in with the baby blue. Totally divine.You really do just stop everything you are doing, clear your head and appreciate where you are and how lucky you are.